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  “Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

All university students should be required to take at least one course that teaches them the cultures of other countries.”


  承认the course的必要性(让步)




At some universities, students are offered a course that teaches the cultures of other countries. Although the course is instructive as it provides valuable knowledge about the world’s diverse cultures, it is not advisable that the enrollment is mandatory and applies to every student.← 在开头段落可以简述主体部分的内容脉络。



  There is no denying of the value the course. 让步部分的内容可以直接用例子论证 → In my case, since I had taken such a course before I went abroad for graduate school, I soon adapted to the campus life of my university of the foreign country, where there were locals and people from all over the world. Meanwhile, I found that many of my local and international peers was not surprised by my cultural practice and customs, because they had taken a similar course. 带着例子转折→ However, the course was a privilege. The two schools of mine had the teaching staff who were able to teach the course, and many other universities or colleges may not have the proper personnel and cannot make this curricular arrangement. Therefore, it would be asking too much, if this course is made a universal arrangement at all universities. ← 直接陈述自己的立论点一。另外,考虑情境/情况,讨论立论一的另一方面 →In addition, the course is meaningful only at institutions that have asizeable population of students from the overseas. Since there are cultural diversity on the campus, it is necessary that those cultures get along, and the course prepares a local student or an international one to well fit in themulticultural context, including both students and teachers. The country is that the course would offer nothing at a university where there are few or only a few non-local students. In brief, whether the course should be available is subject to the cultural demographics of an institution’s students.

  Even though schools that have students from a variety of cultures may be the majority, it is unfair to make taking the course a requirement that would apply to all students. The enrollment should be a personal decision upon an individual’s free will. A student who does not want to the enroll in the course have a number of reasons not to participate before he or she has to resort to the constitutional right. ← 这句话暗示本文不会讲大道理,而是分析最现实具体的理由。A compelling reason may be that a student’s future job isculturally neutral and requires little cultural sensitivity. For example, an IT student who will write codes as his profession or a student of mathematics who will figure out equations and study the variety of curves can be eloquent and persuasive with this reason, because codes and math are culturally neutral. Another convincing reason may be that living on a campus of cultural diversity is already like taking the course and thereby make the curricular course unnecessary. On such a campus, students mingle with peers from various cultural backgrounds and perceive andacquire other cultures. Why would they need to take a formal course? ← 反问句写出陈述句的内容,但是比陈述句的语气强。



Admittedly, the course is valuable. It is however unnecessary to make it mandatory or to make it universal. Instead, the circumstances should be taken into consideration.



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