2020-04-02 环球教育
今天就来给大家分享3个托福独立写作语料,快来Pick你心中的万能句型,用到自己的作文中去吧!Pick me, ei ei~!
第1个语料对于备考SAT的同学来说一定不会陌生,正是来自于可汗SAT阅读Social Science类Level 2的第一篇文章:A “Happiness Test” for the New Measures of National Well-Being: How Much Better than GDP Are They? 这是一篇讨论GDP和人们幸福指数关系的社科类文章,开头段写得非常好,大家可以灵活运用到自己的开头段中。
原文说的是 There is currently a broad global movement away from consideration of mere economic success towards a new public policy goal involving a broader notion of quality of life. This movement has also spurred a rethinking of which statistics inform us best about a country’s situation and how its citizens are faring. 我们把一些地方挖个空,就可以得到如下的万能独立写作开头段模板:
There is currently a broad global movement away from consideration of mere …. towards a new goal involving ... This movement has also spurred a rethinking of …
Although science and technology will continue to improve, the most significant improvement of the quality of people’s lives has already taken place.
In recent years, science and technology is improving in a way that is out of our expectation. During this process, there is currently a broad global movement away from consideration of mere technological improvement towards a new goal involving a broader notion of quality of life. This goal spurs a rethinking of whether the most important improvement that can affect the quality of people’s lives has already appeared.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is easier to become educated
today than it was in past.
第二个句子来自于National Geographic 2016年1月号中的一篇文章(p.49):This Is your Brain on Nature. 这篇文章主要讲了自然环境能够帮助人类放松紧绷的情绪,所以大家假期里过度使用手机和电脑等电子设备的同时,也不要忘记看看自己窗外的景色哦!
这篇文章开端的话就非常值得我们借鉴:When we get closer to nature—be it untouched wilderness or a backyard tree—we do our overstressed brains a favor.
We do our overstressed brains a favor. 是不是比我们常用的relax our mind要生动形象很多呢?这篇文章中还有一句对于新加坡绿色环境的描写:
In Singapore, which aims to be a “city in a garden,” greenery cascading off a luxury hotel soothes a guest in a balcony pool—and people on the street below. “A concrete jungle destroys the human spirit,” former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew once said.
大家可以自己阅读一下这句话,看看有没有哪个短语用得非常漂亮呢?(此处投票给concrete jungle,是不是可以用来巧妙替换我们经常写的modern buildings和skyscrapers呢?)
A company wants to spend a certain amount of money to improve its employees’ productivity. Of the following two ways, which one do you think is better? 1. update the technology used by the workers to improve efficiency 2. redesign the office to improve the working environment Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
最后一条语料取自Foreign Affairs的2020年1/2月刊中的一篇文章:The Many Paths to Progress—and Why They Might Not Continue,作者是Abhijit V. Banerjee和Esther Duflo。
The problem is often not so much that talent, technology, and capital are not available but that the economy does not appear to put them to their best use. Some companies have more employees than they need, while others are unable to hire. Some firms use the latest technology, while others never do. Some entrepreneurs with great ideas may not be able to finance them, while others who are not particularly talented continue operating.
这段话对我们的独立写作有一个很好的借鉴作用:论证过程中要有细节!比如后面的some… while others…就是对于第一句话The problem is often not so much that talent, technology, and capital are not available but that the economy does not appear to put them to their best use.(可以看作Topic Sentence)的细节性描写,我们在写作过程中也要注意用这样的细节来丰富自己的观点哦。
The most important problems of the society can be solved during our lifetime.
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