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2019-05-31 环球教育整理



  关于简洁性原则,William Zinsser 在他的 On Writing Well 一书中提到了一个经典案例:


  Such preparations shall be made as will completely obscure all Federal buildings and non-Federal buildings occupied by the Federal government during an air raid for any period of time from visibility by reason of internal or external illumination.

  罗斯福看完之后,将它改成了 Tell them that in buildings where they have to keep the work going to put something across the windows.


  (a)减少there be句型的使用

  there be 句型很容易使用,但也很容易被滥用。在考场作文中我们可以见到大量的 there be 从句,但这些从句绝大多数可以省略。举个例子:

  There are widespread rumours of job losses.


  Rumours of job losses abound.

  there be 句型一般表示“某地有某物”,在修改时,可以使用一个恰当的动词进行替换(比如上面句子中的 abound )


  There were more foreign students in the classroom than the natives.


  Foreign students outnumbered the natives in the classroom.

  除了去掉 there be 结构之外,这里还使用 outnumber 来代替 more … than … 这一个比较结构。类似的词还有 outlive, outshine, outclass, outgrow, outperform 等。



  (1) When they arrived at the police station, they were taken to an interview room.

  (2) I'll call you when I arrive.


  (1) On arrival at the police station, they were taken to an interview room.

  (2) I'll call you upon arrival.

  这里使用on 以及 upon 介词来代替 when 从句,类似的道理,可以灵活使用 in, at, during 等其他介词来代替从句,起到事半功倍的效果。


  除了 there be 句型之外,定语从句在考场作文中的使用频率也非常高。但从简洁性的角度考虑,绝大多数的定语从句同样可以精简。举个例子:

  From childhood, he had an instinct that made him excited and interested in all things which were electronic.


  From childhood, he had an instinctive feel for all things electronic.

  这里将关系代词 which 以及 that 省略,并且原句中 made him excited and interested in 语义重复,可以使用 instinctive feel 来代替。


  An Ideal Husband is a film adaptation of Oscar Wilde's play that tells the story of a popular politician who was involved in a scandal that led to his downfall.


  An Ideal Husband is a film adaptation of Oscar Wilde's play that tells the story of a popular politician brought down by a scandal.

  这里将关系代词 who 以及 that 省略,句子的意思不变,但显得更加简洁。在作文修改中,可以尝试着将不必要的关系代词删除,或者将其转换为分词结构或名词词组,以达到精简的效果。


  英语中有一部分单词具有多重词性,巧妙利用词性转换,可以写出简洁的句子。举个例子,要表达“他在上海度假”,我们可能会写 He goes on holiday in Shanghai.

  但其实还可以写成 He holidays in Shanghai. 这里将 holiday 作为动词使用,含义是“在……度假”。


  (1) Arthur Ashe is the captain of the U.S. team.

  (2) Mr Cunningham, who teaches creative writing at Yale University, is extremely funny and psychologically observant, but he does not believe in happy endings.


  (1) Arthur Ashe captains the U.S. team.

  (2) Mr Cunningham, who teaches creative writing at Yale University, is extremely funny and psychologically observant, but he is no believer in happy endings.

  第一个句子使用 captain 的动词义“率领”,人物形象更为有力。第二个句子使用 believe 的名词形式 believer,这样语气更为强烈。



  举个例子,在一篇关于间隔年(gap year)的作文中,有这样一个片段:

  Students who have used their time to volunteer for charities, serve internship or travel overseas have a broader view of life and better personal resources to draw on. They tend to be more adaptable and are able to embrace change and learn to adjust to different cultures, and this could be particularly valuable when it comes to job hunting.

  第二句 They tend to be more adaptable and are able to embrace change and learn to adjust to different cultures 属于语义重复:整句话的核心为 They tend to be more adaptable,后半句的表述其实是前半句的重复,可以删去,句子改写成:

  The adaptability hardened in a foreign land could be particularly valuable when it comes to job hunting.


  In this modern world of ours today, the well-informed, knowledgeable person will succeed and be well ahead of the competition.

  上面这个句子中,modern 和 today 重复,well-informed 和 knowledgeable 重复,succeed 和 be well ahead of the competition 重复,句子可化简为:

  Well-informed person will succeed these days.



  The actors gave a terrific performance, but the opera was rotten.

  句子中 terrific, rotten 这样的词语就属于非正式表达,在书面语中要进行替换,可以将它们替换成 The actors gave a amazing/brilliant/marvellous performance, but the opera was terrible/awful/abysmal.

  怎样辨别正式表达与非正式表达呢?一个简单的方法是,在词典中查看该单词的标识,如果某个释义带有 informal 标识,在正式写作中就要尽量注意。



  Respect for the Thai monarchy may be reinforced through the education system andbolstered by strict laws against insulting the king, but it is genuine nonetheless.

  其中,reinforce 以及 bolster 表达的含义都是“加强”,在这里为近义词替换。


  Africa can simply jump straight over it and go right to the latest thing. Just as drones canmake up for poor roads, the theory goes, mobile phones can overcome a lack of well-functioning banks, portable solar panels can stand in for missing power stations and free learning apps can substitute for patchy education.

  一个句子里面连续使用了 make up for, overcome, stand in for, substitute for 这几个词来表达“取代”这个概念,这也从侧面反映出积累近义表达的重要性。

  在写句子时如果需要进行同义词替换,可以查询同义词词典(thesaurus),例如在柯林斯同义词词典中可以找到 stand in for 的多种替换表达:


  适当使用修饰可以增加语言的表现力,同时给读者留下深刻印象。在外刊阅读以及英语写作中,最常见的一种修饰手法是比喻。举个例子,经济学人最近在写 Elon Musk 公司的财务状况时,使用了这样的描述:

  Mr Musk is also one of the last entrepreneurs in America who seems to think that the publicly listed company can be useful. Two of his companies are listed: Tesla, a carmaker, and SolarCity, an energy firm. They have towering ambitions and valuations, and burn up cash as fast as his third company, SpaceX, burns up rocket fuel.

  对于特斯拉和SolarCity 两家公司的烧钱速度,作者给了一个形象的说法:就像 SpaceX 公司的火箭消耗燃料那么快。这样的描写效果更为直观。

  We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of Now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children.

  It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment. This sweltering summer of the Negro's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. Nineteen sixty-three is not an end, but a beginning. And those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual. And there will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.





  My aunt walked into the grocery store angrily and asked for a refund.


  My aunt stormed into the grocery store and demanded for a refund.

  将 walked 替换成 storm (气冲冲地走),将 ask 替换为 demand(坚决请求,强烈要求),这样的句子表意更为精准,也更加容易给人留下深刻印象。





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