2019-06-12 环球教育整理
Que 1: well I would love to …., first because…., also I think… finally,/besides
Que 2: I think…would be better. first because…., also I think… finally,/besides
Que 3: in this set of materials, the reading passage is about…., the listeninng is a discussion between 2 students on the same topic. In the listening, the man …., first because…, also he thinks…., finally, he advises that….
Que 4: in this set of materials, the reading passage is about…., the listeninng is a professor’s lecture on the same topic. According to the lecture, …..
Que 5: In the listening, the man/woman has a problem….and the woman/man gives some advice, first is , second is , also …./ As far as I am concerned, I think…would be better, first because…., also…. Finally,….
Que 6: In this lecture, the professor talks about…..
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